||All Images published on our 'WEBSITE' and 'FACEBOOK' page are true and own by me.       I have taken this picture of food prepared by me.||      

Detox Herbal tea blend.

               This mixed herbs Detox tea is a perfect Kickstarter for rainy day. My son loves to experience new tastes and always open to try. This tea blend was gift from a very good friend of mine, as she knew I love experimenting. 

                This mix was the blend of dried rose hip, neem leaves, dandelion, rose buds, and very few hibiscus flower petals. That's it your herbal blend is ready. I added few moringa leaf as well for more impact. Just boil 1 & half cup of water and add tea spoon of homemade blend. Turn off the flame and let it steep for few minutes. Now sieve and enjoy this bright coloured cup of comfort.

               This herbal tea detox your body as well strengthen your guts, leaves you energetic and calm. Consume this at any time. Best to have it first in early morning or at night before bed.

             Make this herbal blend at home easily and enjoy your cozy time with yourself!!!

            Happy eating foodies!!! 😊


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