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Papad Churi

Papad churi is literally crush papad. This is fastest made fun side dish everyone loves. Me and my kids relish papad churi on very busy day. My kids are always wants to help me in kitchen and now with papad churi they become independent when I am asleep or not available and thay want to ditch any disagreeable subzi. And they are so smart to escape from my scoldings for ditching the subzi, they already offer me a plate of Papad churi with a big smile on their face. Then how can I deny such a flavourful offer!

                      Preparation is very easy just need chopping and assembling the dish. Deep fry or roast 8-10 any available papad and crush it. Chopp onion, tomato, and coriander. Dump it in to a Big s iioiiurprise bowl. Add salt, red chilli powder, a spoon of oil and juice of half lemon. Mix well and vollah Papad churi is ready to be enjoy! You can even add boiled chopped potato, raw mango or cucumber as per your choice. I like to keep it simple.. otherwise taste of papad gets dominated by lots of other ingredients.

                     We like fulkas with papad churi. Or Sometimes hot rice and papad churi with ghee. That's it foodies. Nothing fancy but relishing papad churi is a lovely option to any subzi or curry on a very busy or lazy day. I think it should be made atleast on one day of week.

                   I like lijjat papad. Is very huge brand in worldwide for papad. You can buy lijjat papad at any indian grocery store or even on online sites like Amazon.com 
You don't need to make fulkas. You can buy frozen rotis or parathas from indian store. Papad churi can be enjoyed with tortillas as well. Or even with rice or only papad churi like salad. I like that way! 

                So please make this at home as you would not find this on restaurant menu. And even you don't need a Indian friends for this 🤣. This is easy peasy to make and impress some Indian friends, colleagues or neighbour.

             Follow us on Instagram & Facebook  for more interesting Indian cuisine!!!

             Happy eating foodies 😊



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