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                                 Thalipith is a blessing for me. Whenever I crave for savory yet fulfilling I enjoy thalipith. Thalipith is such a beautiful protein pack invention which is easy and quick to make. You just need butter and curds to enjoy this humble delicacy. This power pack dish belongs to Maharashtra. And also popular in Gujrat and Karnataka. Maharashtra is land of wrestlers and soldiers that's why this dish might have came up this is my analysis. When you do lots of physical hard work then your body needs protein. And Thalipeeth totally serves the purpose.

                                 Thalipith is made of special flour called "Bhajni". It includes some legumes Chana dal, Urad dal, also some grains like Rice, Wheat, Bajra, Jowar, and some spices like cumin seeds, coriander seeds. All this raw ingredients accept spices goes for a wash and then sun dry it or at least dry for couple of days covered in a dry place. After a complete dry, they dry roast all the raw elements. At this point some like to add poha (flattened rice) for a more crisp. then it goes though grinding and makes fine flour. This Bhajnee can be stored for months but fresh bhajni will give more authentic taste.

                       Ready Bhani flour, water, cucumber, ginger-garlic paste and choice of vegetables like finely chopped onion, green chilli, grated bottoal gourd, can be added in to thalipth dough. Spices are must, like turmeric powder, salt, red chilli (optional). And dough is ready. When we add vegetables then we don't add water as vegetable releases lots of water. Thalipith dough is little runny. Now the fun part you don't need a rolling pin to roll this thalipth. There are two ways to roll thalipth but only with hands. One way is to directly flatten it on hot griddle with water so it sticks to griddle and not your hands. But this is a experts way as it give you small burns to fingers. other wise get a square wet mulmul or cotton cloth, and flatten thalipith dough evenly on cloth. Then lift cloth and put thalipith side on griddle and lift cloth. This is convenient way to make it. In winters some like to add sesame seeds on it. Then they roast it till crispy and golden brown with oil or ghee. Thalipith smells heavenly and can be smell from miles. Even when bhajnee gets prepare it smells high to heaven. You come to know that which house is preparing for this malodorous dish.

                                 Thalipith now days can be found on Indian streets. Small food vendors or some food joints even authentic Maharashtrian restaurants serves Thalipth. This is a very convenient dish yet fulfilling, pocket friendly and nourishing too. I call thalipth a super dish. But I have never seen this outside India.

                        There are Ready bhajnee available in stores or online now. You can cut down whole drying and roasting process. I like to make my food from scratch.. so people like me can enjoy the whole hustle.

                        Even here I am sharing a small jugad I learnt from my experience. Equal amount of Jowar flour, Bajra flour, Besan, Rice flour, Wheat flour, dry roasted & grinded cumin and coriander seeds that's it and mix. You can skip one of the flour if not available. Even multigrain aata can be used. Both jugads will give similer taste but not authentic. 

                        I enjoy my plate of thalipith with freshly churned white butter and bowl of curds (yoghurt). Sometimes I side it with fried Green chili and onion slices too. Some like too eat with the famous Indian "raw mango pickle" or "lemon pickle".

                         Fun fact is Thalipith and one Sindhi Dish called Sindhi Koki are similar tasting flat breads. Sindhi koki is made only with wheat flour and vegetables. Isn't it amazing that two different cuisines shares similar dish. That's the beauty of Indian food that it makes a mark on or accommodates other cuisines so easily that it hard to differentiate.

                          If you are visiting Maharashtra then do search and ask to any local for thalipith. And take a chance to appreciate this humble and nutritious Thalipith.
                         Or you are not visiting then do try this at home. There are lots of youtubers have added this dish to their list, like madhuras recipe, chef vishnu manohar's channel for authentic and elaborated recipe. 

                     This is not at all a promotion of anyone. The only purpose to share YouTube channels is that you should take advantage of this lovely and unknown vegetarian cuisine & delicacy of India.  

                          We would love to see your plate. Please share pics on our Facebook or tag us on Instagram . Thank you for reaching the End!

               Happy eating foodies😊😊!!! 


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