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        Chapati is staple flat bread in northern India. I remember before my marriage whenever my mom prepares chapati and she use to put more than a tspoon ghee on my chapati always telling "come on eat it, your body needs this in long run". Till the date whenever I visit my parents house my mom is still the same so I am with my kids.

          Chapati or fulka is flat Indian bread. Also known as roti or fulka. This is eaten with curry or dal. Chapati is made only with wheat flour. And incomplete without Ghee (clarified butter) spread. To compare it chapati is Indian tortillas but made with wheat flour only. The process of making chapati is quit easy. Least ingredients and quick. Whenever the dough is prepared for chapati little salt and oil are added to make it soft and tasty. Chapati is staple bread allover India but northern meals are incomplete without chapati. It is healthy bread to eat and faster to make and digest than naan. Chapati is very easy to prepare and you can store it for 24 hours.
        Why to apply ghee on chapati? Because Ghee helps bringing down the Glycemic index of the chapati. It makes you feel fuller, so that you don't binge into other fattening foods later in the day. Ghee keeps chapati soft for long time. If packing tiffin or lunchbox thrn ghee helps to retain softness as freshly made.
         Very few Indian restaurant serves chapati but indian stores has frozen chapati. Or you don't get it nearby you can try to make your self. Do try it I am sure you will enjoy this healthy chapati!
Happy eating foodies!!! 😊


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